273 Engine will not start - Ideas?

Thanks everyone for your ideas. As an Engineer with an MBA I am usually very disciplined in my approach and to details and sequences. I should probably have mentioned more of the details that I have done with this car. This project has been in progress for over 20 years now. This car is number 505 in the Barracuda sequence. This engine was totally rebuilt although it only had 32k miles on it when I started the restoration and it ran like a top at the time - had a bad rear end in it.

So here are the current stats based on all of your suggestions, and the things I had previously done.
  1. Timing gears and chain were checked last fall/winter as at that time after the very first initial start up a coolant leak was found coming from the timing cover. The rebuilder had put a late model 273 timing cover on it instead of my original one and there was a bolt hole missing in the cover and the leak was coming from that hole in the block. Timing gears and chain are brand new, timing marks correctly aligned, and very tight.
  2. After the above fix the engine was started again and it ran fine, not perfect however. Dwell was a little off and timing wasn't set to specs. Points had been bench set previously but after installing distributor the dwell meter was below the lower limit so I adjusted it in the car. Dwell was then just under the high side which I was fine with. I then set the timing as 10deg before TDC and the engine was idling fine, but I had not adjusted the idle mixture screws to optimize things. After shutting it off I noticed another coolant leak, this time from a freeze plug on the front of the block. This was back in Feb. of this year.
  3. The freeze plug turned out to be one the rebuilder missed and hadn't replaced - it was all rusted out on the back side. At least I'm going to say he missed it and not having actually put a used one back in.
  4. That repair was done in March and the car sat for a month or so while I was on a trip to the northeast. Upon my return I then refilled the cooling system and was then trying to restart the engine which to-date I have not been able to restart.
  5. Things I have checked since starting this thread include
    1. Checking for spark at the plugs - plenty of spark and very healthy looking
    2. Compression check with the following results. #1 = 130, #3 = 135, #5 = 135, #7 = 130; #2 = 140, #4 = 135, #6 = 140, #8 = 130. I think those are all fine and there was no noticeable leak-by.
    3. Listened for AJ's chicken-clucking sound and nothing noted. Engine rotates freely both manually and via starter
    4. All Plugs are wet with fuel but not drastically in my opinion, so I know I'm getting fuel - may be too much but it has fuel
    5. Checked oil level and it is a little over full but the car is facing downhill so if there is fuel there it really isn't detectable. Tried smelling it but my sniffer isn't all that dependable these days - there may be a faint fuel odor there but can't really tell considering the other fuel smell in the engine compartment area.
  6. Timing was checked and statically all alignments are correct. While cranking we did try adjusting distributor position but no noticeable changes observed.
  7. So, like 66fs says, even though I rebuilt the carb previously, it was years ago, and it was running initially back in Feb, I may need to rebuild it again, but I am going to wait on that for now.
  8. I think first, when I have some extra hands, I will try the trickling of fuel while cranking based on what AJ and Kendog described.
  9. If that doesn't do it then I will probably pull the distributor and reset the points on the bench just in case they moved after the last adjustment I made in #2 above.
  10. Then lastly if none of that provides success then I will pull the carb and see what that will doe.
Thanks for all your inputs. I will come back and provide another update once I get through some of the above new ideas, but that may be awhile since I have been detoured to replacing the engine in my 2019 Chrysler 300 which now occupies my available garage space.