72 duster resto

Interesting idea
it's a divisive topic... (sorry, i couldn't resist)

there's some folks that swear there's no other way to do it; while others maintain that iffin' it ain't in the FSM it ain't the way to do it. one camp will proclaim that they've been doing it one way since jesus was a private and it never leaks whilst the other camp will swear on a pair of drawers supposedly worn by King Richard hisself that it will with 100% certainty absolutely positively leak if you do it that way and only their way is the way that ma mopar intended it to be done since the times of working on cars with two rocks and a bearskin and if was good enuff for their pappy's pappy's great uncle you can bet your patootie it's good enough for your hunk of junk.

choose which ever you like and roll. be prepared for the "i told you so shouldas" if it leaks no matter which tactic you chose.