Finicky Fuel Gauge

Don't remember if the fuel gauge ever worked in the '65 Valiant Signet convertible (purchased about 13 years ago). I had high hopes when I replaced the dash circuit board six months ago, but only got the needle to move when I grounded the wire back at the gas tank (the needle rose quickly to full mark). Otherwise, it has been stuck on empty, even when recently filled to the top. The temperature gauge seems to work now, but either the engine runs cooler than I am accustomed to or the needle just does not want to rise high enough like it should.

Anyway, today made a round trip downtown (about 20 miles total up and back). On the return trip, much to my amazement, I found the needle on the 1/4 full mark! And this very morning I was making plans to yank out the fuel pickup (and dreading the task).

Will have to wait and see what happens from here on out.

