Got zapped by my Engine !

I got zapped by using my fathers old metal cased drill in the yard one day with an extension lead the join dragged into a puddle of rain water that I did not know was there, we have 220 volt single phase as standard here and 3 phase is 480 volt, I could not let go of the drill the sanding disc I had on it ran the rim across my left wrist and 50 years later I still have a slight scar from it, it blew the house fuse eventually then I could finally let go of it, it felt like ages that I was holding it but it was probably something like 20 to 30 seconds all up, now we have an earth leakage system that if any electrical appliance is faulty it switches the power off in 200th of a second or some ridiculously short time.
And yes I have been hit by a Chrysler ignition box and a msd box, and they did hurt but nothing like the first time with household power