What "makes" a 66 Barracuda a Formula S ??

A story I heard from an old Plymouth Dealership salesman. :lol:

In Spring of 1966, two salesmen were sitting in the Plymouth showroom drinking coffee. It was the middle of the month slow period....not many cars selling. They see a big snail coming across the lot, and Mr. Snail stops at a new yellow 66 Formula S Barracuda, looks it over and makes his way to the showroom. Mr. Snail asks the salesmen how much? They think, "Oh boy....here we go!" So one salesman quotes Mr. Snail full list price. Mr. Snail doesn't balk at the price, and tells them he will pay $1000 over list price if they will make one adjustment to the car. The 2 salesmen look at each other and then back to Mr. Snail, and one of them ask him what he would like done. He says, "You know the chrome S on the front fenders?" They say yes. Mr. Snail says he would like those replaced with similar S badges, but 6 inches in diameter. One of the salesmen says "Mr. Snail, we can get that done, but why would you spend so much money to have the same emblem....just bigger? Mr. Snail says "Well, as you can see, I am a Snail. Us Snails have poor eyesight, so I just want the badges bigger so I can be sure of which car is mine if parked next to one just like it somewhere." The sales guys look at each other again, then tell Mr. Snail that if he will leave a deposit and come back tomorrow they will have that done. Mr. Snail says "I will pay in full today if you have it ready by noon tomorrow, and will refund my money if it isn't to my satisfaction." They agree, and he pays and leaves. Next day at 11:30 they see him coming slowly across the parking lot. He glides around the car, smiles real big when he sees the big S badges and thanks them for doing what they said they would do. They hand him the keys and paperwork, and thank him again. One salesman gently cautions him of the power of the 273HP, but tells Mr. Snail to punch it when he leaves. Mr. Snail thanks them again and eases the clutch out and heads for the exit. As he gets straightened up in the street, he tachs it up, dumps the clutch and does a massive burnout up the street in front of the dealership. The two salesmen are watching in awe, and one elbows the other and says (wait for it!) "Man, would you look at that S car go!"
