Got down to Last 4 when they finally finished Wintersnationals (Rained Out)

John, I will be praying for you and your family.
I know God will guide you through this and no matter what happens, you know He is in control.
My brother needed open heart surgery last year and is self employed with no insurance.
He and I had a long talk one day as he was going to let nature take its course. The doctors told him he didn’t have long if nothing was done.
I was thrilled when he agreed to seek help with special grants and other assistance to allow the surgery to be carried out.
I asked him to think of his grandson and other family and to take into consideration how they would feel if he did nothing.
I’m sure you wouldn’t be a burden on your family and I know you would enjoy those grandchildren whether you could see them or not.
I value knowing you over the last couple of years even though we only talk every once in a while.
I will keep you in my prayers and ask Him for great success for your appointments.