/6 cRaZyNESS

I'd really rather not say. They actually sent me a PM and told me they did it. Immediately after the gofundme was shut down, I put all the cats up for adoption on Facebook. Thankfully, we ended up not having to do that.

Did you ask him WHY he would do a thing like that??

That can earn someone an *** beating for stuff like that. Especially if his actions caused you to give up your cats.

People just want to screw other people. Unless I knew for a FACT someone was scamming go fund me or something like that they should be exposed.

But you damn well better KNOW they are scamming the system or you literally destroy someone reputation for no reason.

That’s some buuuuuuuuuuuuuull **** right there.

BTW, I don’t remember that Rob. When did all this happen?