Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just a quick prop out to @toolmanmike I moderate a gun bunny site when I am not in here. It is thankless. I have wanted to quit about a million times. There is no end to the folks that want to push boundaries and just fundamentally want to be turds. I gave up long ago trying to figure out their motivation. Much less wrap my head around living that way. Life is simply to short. Mike, you have our sincere thanks for the crap you put up with on a daily basis. I love coming in here and knowing I will not have to listen to a bunch of rhetoric regarding the value or non value of this political party or that political party. The N&P room was pure genius, while I have never had any desire to join, it has certainly given a lot of folks a place to land. I can only imagine the conversations in there. So in summary know you @toolmanmike as a moderator are both valued and appreciated. And keep us fed with the latest Lexington lab band releases!