Fuel line

It's really not that hard to make these lines.
All you need is a set of AN jaws for your vice. They come in aluminum (Mine) or heavy duty nylon type stuff. The jaws will hold the nuts without damaging the fittings. You can use AN wrenches, made of aluminum, they are optional, and won't mare the fittings.

The other tool I use is the "koul Tool", it holds the piece that goes over the line, so that you can push the line into it. Its a must. You clamp the 2 piece fitting holder, with the fitting in it, in your vice, and screw the line in, use a drop or two of assembly oil on the tool lips. You can get "kuol Tools" for just one size AN fitting (say AN 6) or you can get them as a kit, of three. Mine is for AN 4,6,8. This tool really helps make the line, as it keeps the frayed ends inside the fitting, and guides the line into the fitting. Push hard, and turn while installing.

The other tool I have and use is a good SHARP LARGE CABLE CUTTER. I got one from Harbor Freight years ago. I only use it for AN lines, and cable. You can use an air, or electric cut off tool, also. Just wrap the area to cut with fiberglass tape, before cutting. The cut must be square, so it fits properly in the fitting. Your goal when cutting the line is the least amount of fraying on the line stainless, and nylon mesh coatings, and cut sqaure.

My tools are are all Summit or Jegs AN tools, except the "Kuol Tools". You can get everything you need from either place. My "Kuol Tools" is kit # 468. If you are just going to use, and make AN 6, then just get the "Kuol Tool" for AN 6.

Heres a pic of my most used tools. the aluminum vice jaws are on the left side. I prefer them to the big black AN holder, but it works also.

I hope this isn't confusing, and helps some one with AN hoses.


