Head tubing report. 80 grit flex hone report

So I don’t step all ove Early A’s Speedmaster head testing I figured I would keep this separate. I had bought a couple more flex homes from Amazon in hopes of shortening the time I have invested in tubing a set of heads. I wanted to try an 80 grit but honestly I’m still probably spending 15-20 minutes honing the two head bolt holes (easy) and the 4 pushrod holes. Whatever they use to cut these holes in leaves a very tight fit on the cut-away to end. You are probably better off taking a 3/8 sanding roll to it before honing it. The tube has to come in from the head deck side to the last thing you want is the brass tube tightening up the last 1/2 inch. Kinda sucks because I include the brass tubing and labor to install them in my porting price so you hate losing an hour on each set of heads. I’m pointing where it gets tight.

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I can see some scoring right where you say the hole narrows up.