Here you go, Piston area and force.

I think there a few here that get it, but not the dummies '273' & Turk. I will post the info AGAIN from Harold Bettes, who does get it. [ Turk read the text, don't look at the pretty pictures ] What does Bettes get? He gets that if you increase piston area, the pressure loading over area [ using pounds per sq in as an example ] becomes less. Pressure has become confused with force.
The formula below, uses simple everyday words, is very simple.....& even the dumbest of the dumbest should be able to 'work it out'.

Totally agree that a bigger diam piston can make more hp. [ So does a longer stroke ]. What pushes the piston to turn the crank? Doesn't do it by itself.......????????????

Making it simple: the piston draws air into the cyl by creating vacuum as it goes from TDC to BDC. If you make the piston BIGGER, you are pulling more air through the same size valve opening, & that creates more more air has now filled the cylinder. More hp is created because more air is drawn in to be compressed. A bigger diam piston does not guarantee more HP by virtue of it's area. Chrysler proved it!!! They made an odd ball 383 engine that was a raised block engine, not the more common low block 383. Not used by Dodge & Plym, Chrys only 1959 to 1961.
Bore/stroke RB 383: 4 1/32 by 3.75
Bore/stroke LB 383 4 1/4 by 3.38
Both engines had 10:1 CR. Both made exactly the same hp/tq: 325/425. But, but, but, but LB 383 had a bigger piston....shoulda made more hp. Huh?

Here is the formula again for HP related to piston area:
Unless you are particularly dumb, it should be obvious that the HP/to area gets less as piston area gets bigger because piston area is on the bottom line of the formula

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If you are going to quote a book, you should actually READ the book first and then go back and look at the pictures.

Like people of your type do, you jumped ahead in the book and didn’t READ what he said BEFORE he posted the formula that explains what he’s talking about.

The fact that you continue to do your usual bullshit shows you refuse to learn. Or even admit you are dead wrong.

Your arrogance is appalling. You take things out of context. You make baseless claims and then vomit out a bunch of irrelevant **** that takes 1000 times more work to refute than it does to promote the errror.

Want an example of what clowns like you do? You say “the moon is made of cheese, prove it’s not”.

To refute that with PROOF requires an immense effort and when you are done proving it, the pole cat making the claim still argues the error.

Same for the flat earth types. No proof can move them.

You are THAT guy.