72 Dodge Dart Swinger
So following my last post I was replacing turn signal and dash lights as they were only partially working.
My dash was so brittle it broke down like a vampire in the sun! :BangHead:
Good news, bad grounds and now all lights are working - good news right....
Putting it all back together I touched the amp gauge to the metal housing with a screwdriver and POP!
After some poking around I found it was only around the AMP gauge and know where else on the dash. looking at the AMP Gauge the fiberglass/plastic bushing was destroyed, effectively arching the black and red wires. Thank god I found it now and not later with an electrical fire.
I have a set of gauges I am going to install but wanted to replace the dash with a good bezel not a garage made one. Oh well.
I am going to add the volt Gauge and delete the Ammeter for the time but will add a new Ammeter later. I like having the charge and draw gauges.
I looked at quite a few posts to research the removal of the Ammeter and addition of the volt Gauge.
Here are the ones I found the most influential.
1968 Dart gauge help
Amp gauge to volt conversion?