Don't blame the Chinese, blame ourselves.
We get bad parts because we accept them. We have become a people who instead of demanding excellence, accept mediocrity. We'll spend $20 to make a bad $10 part work because we are afraid to expect to get what we paid for. We tolerate kids who can't spell or do basic math because we're afraid we'll offend someone. We make do with substandard products, and give participation trophies to everybody who are too lazy to do things right. We have become a "Nice Try" culture. We're willing to take a brand new set of heads to the machine shop to have shoddy manufacturing corrected, yet we mock people who expect a coherent post on a forum... Now we criticize people who expect better, and encourage substandard results and a lack of critical thinking.
Don't blame the Chinese (or anyone else, for that matter). You bought it, you kept it, you made inferior results acceptable.
Mods: Feel free to delete this post if you think it's too far into N&P's domain, but I think it has merit- and I tried to keep politics out of it.