Holy Crap, Hot.

and here I am stuck inside on account of it won't quit raining, with an outdoor temp running from 16*C to 24 tops.
In Fahrenheit, that is from 60 to 75 ..................
So far this year, the hottest we have hit was IIRC, 82*F, and just one time, between thunderstorms, that blow up here from the South.
Right this minute, it is a balmy 68 and it's looking like rain by afternoon.
It's so wet up here, I couldn't mow my lawn for 10 days, and when I finally got to it, the grass ended up laying in wet heaps everywhere.
The humidity is like 100% most of the time.
Thank the Lord for the near constant 30 mph winds..........
Thank the Lord that I'm fully retired, lol. Sitting half-naked on the covered deck, sipping Pepsi, and banging keys. I love Manitoba in the Summer ......