Kelsey Hayes rotors

As we speak, i am in the rebuilding process of a Kelsey Hayes, 4 piston caliper, disc brake system that i purchased at a Mopar show, and swap meet, two weeks ago.
These KH brake systems are now pretty expensive to do rebuilding on.
Caliper replacement pistons are out of stock at Rock Auto, and i got the very last ones that Summit had.
Had to go thru the Ford Mustang, restoration parts selling companies, that sell these parts.
And they aren't cheap.
One company wants $25.00 bucks a piston, which is ridiculous for a price.
But i found some at $17.50 each. But still OUCH.
I purchased a total of 8 calipers at the swap meet, for me to do my thing with.
As far as rotors go, Rock Auto still has them in stock at $25.00 bucks, each.
I got 2 of them yesterday.
Getting pistons out, it's easy for me, as i have the official Miller Special Tools, from back in the dinosaur days.
But stuck pistons can also be pumped out hydraulically using a grease gun, using grease pressure to get them out.
I just put a grease fitting into a hydraulic line fitting, to pump grease into the caliper body.
Then i but the half of the caliper behind the jaws of a vice, to limit the travel of a caliper piston if one want's to come out of it's bore quicker than the other one.
But a mechanic with any type of repair procedures under his belt can figure it all out.

Rock Auto rotors.
More Information for CENTRIC 12163005

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Hemi71x, Those Centric rotors looked to have cast hats instead of machined. Much better chance on not rubbing the piston seals than the machined hat rotors. I just may get a pair of those for the hubs I found at the Cupertino show. Bob