Opinions Wanted

I'm helping a friend on his 70 Barracuda, At first it was figure out why the 340 runs rough... Found the problem, but rather than just fix it he decides to swap in a 3G Hemi... Okay... We've done a good bit of the prep, the new Hemi is sitting in the crate.. But he decides "It's this far apart I want to paint it" I tried to warn him but he wasn't hearing that... So now it's stripped to bare metal & he's having second thoughts about whether he wants do do it himself & instead decide to look into a body man... I suggested a guy I know & trust, his quote was higher than the owner is comfortable with... So he's had a few other guys stop by... Two were cheaper, one was in the same neighborhood as my guy & one wants four times as much...

Cheaper sounds nice but who knows whether the quality is the same... And the difference isn't enough to roll the dice IMO... But it's not my call....

If you are confident you can do it yourself I would paint it for sure.... If you are outsourcing it, good luck.....