Poorly worded for sale titles.

I just want to throw this out there. I see dozens if not hundreds of for sale threads per week on this form where you don’t know what is actually for sale. For instance, the title will be “hood for sale”, or “fender for sale”, or “bumper for sale”. Why not add more detail and say something like, “69 Barracuda hood for sale”, “72 Dodge dart fender for sale”, or “70 Plymouth duster bumper” for sale. I would think you’re going to have a much better chance of having the targeted audience actually look at your ad. That’s just me thinking out loud.
Wow this thread took a turn...

Anyway, know what you're saying, but I usually try to keep the title basic 1 or 2 words, like "fender", Then will get specific in the description.
I think it's easier for someone to search especially if the ads run a few months.
So if someone is searching for a fender, they'll get fenders and weed them out from there. Instead of not getting
a specific fender in a search because the title is specific like "66 Valiant left fender".

My 2 cents