Poorly worded for sale titles.

Wow this thread took a turn...

Anyway, know what you're saying, but I usually try to keep the title basic 1 or 2 words, like "fender", Then will get specific in the description.
I think it's easier for someone to search especially if the ads run a few months.
So if someone is searching for a fender, they'll get fenders and weed them out from there. Instead of not getting
a specific fender in a search because the title is specific like "66 Valiant left fender".

My 2 cents
But ads die after thirty days if no one responds. And the ad will still show up just because it had the word fender in it. Either way, active or not, it will show up in a search, and anyone with limited intelligence can message that seller to see if they have it. I like to be as specific as possible, and a) find the buyer that wants what I'm selling, and b) not waste anyone's time. That's just my thoughts, there is no proper way to list an item with us all thinking differently.