What did I do? Help?

OK, I decided I would change my limiter plate setting on Dizzy. I've been running on #16 setting so my timing was 18 Initial, 16 Mechanical total 34. My motor wants more initial. Changed setting to 12. Making 22 initial.12 mechanical, 34 total. I Pulled Dizzy at TDC rotor pointing at #1 on cap. Installed the same. Car barely starts sounds like dieseling. Crank timing (way too much) to smooth out. Put timing light on, Vac disconnected and plugged. Timing is like 50' ATD not BTDC??? Pulled dizzy twice. Checked plate position, Weights are free and lubed, springs are properly in place, rotor reluctor correct as the pin stayed in place on reluctor and only one hole to install to. Re checked gap .008 brass feeler gauge on pick up. Snap ring in shaft in place. Still the same result. Checked timing with 2 good timing lights. One old school and one snap on with dial. Never ever encountered this. All I can think of is Reverse polarity with phasing but I did not change dizzy connection with factory plugs. I can try to switch them but can't understand why I would have to. I took dizzy out and left limiter plate out this time with same issue. I cranked timing until idle stopped rising and pulled back a little. I took the car out with Vac still disconnected and she runs awesome but can't drive like this without know where I'm at. Hoping it's something simple as I am baffled. Also I did the piston stop and crank pulley is spot on.