High voltage Dart -67

We can see the crimps and terminals are medicore. Each of those will cause additional resistance.
Also the terminals have exposed conductors which may already be causeing problem because the insulation is not supported. This allows stress and movement right at the connection.
Such as seen here
Also - some of those wires are connected to the battery positive. The exposed terminals make it very easy to accidentally ground the battery. While the factroy provided a fusible link to minimize the damage, your previous owner probably did not. Be carefull if working with tools or wearing jewlery.

MSD trigger doesn't really care about the ballast resistor. You can jumper it as a belt and suspenders but its not normally an issue. MSD used to advise leaving it so one could go back to original ignition if needed in case of MSD failure.

Alternator in picture is a revised squareback. See "Identifying Alternators" thread for how the isolated field alternator works, and photos of how to wire them when using the grounded field regulator.