Sniper pink wire

I have no power anywhere except 12v to the starter relay. All the fuses under the dash are good. Ground from the motor to the chassis. Ground from the battery to the motor. Nada nothing what am I missing? Also put a single wire alternator on it as well. If that helps. Not sure where the wires for that are? It’s a 67 dart I found the one black wire with the eyelet but that’s it I don’t see anything else here. I have 12v to the top stud in the pic but that’s i
Okay I ran the black wire that was suppose to go the alternator because I put a one wire on it and now I have power and everything is working. Is this okay if I leave that wire connected to the positive pattern post ? Also when I turn the key to start it the horn beeps but I will figure that out and no fuel pump kicks on. But getting closer. Going to town for fuel as there’s none in it. I’m assuming it needs fuel to run or it will burn out. Also don’t have a neutral safety hooked up either. Thank you again for all the help. I want to drive this before I go to school end of the month and am horrible at wiring.