Another Facebook Scammer "Mopar Marketplace" forum

I got scammed from an ad in Hemmings Motor News years ago. This was the days before internet. He "got" me because he sounded completely legit on the phone because when I asked him about some of the other parts he had listed, he actually told me that he had sold them. So, to me, at the time, I was thinking, well, if it was a scam, he would have "sold" me those also. Called Hemmings after he actually sent a box filled with paper (No idea why he actually sent anything), and they gave me a detective from the sellers area. He got me for something like $1300. Overall, the detective knew about 30,000 plus that he had taken in from that one ad. Long story short, I received a token sum of something like $50 from the courts, and since he showed "good faith" in an attempt to refund, that was all I ever got. Lesson learned.