Things in this thread are exactly why i sourced all my parts for my last engine job from places like eBay, forum classified (like this one) sent my original cam to Oregon to be remade into what I wanted it to be, and some from rock auto. All 30+ year old stock. Went together fine, no problems with the engine or the job. Nothing from China either.

On kind of a similar vibe this one should rattle all the veterans on here.
My dad served in Korea. On the US side of course.
The Korean war was obviously before my time and I don't know what led up to it but they did something to piss us off. Or there wouldn't have been a Korean war.
Anyway fast forward to last week, went up north to mow my mom's and mother in laws yard, and got up behind a Kia SUV of some sort, at a stop sign. Exact model don't matter. Don't care. Wouldn't take one even if for free
Kia turned left, I went straight.
But there was a bumper sticker on this Kia that set me off. It said "Proud daughter of a Korean war vet". I didn't see the driver but apparently they don't know what K I A stands for... "Korean international automotive".
So she's proud of her dad for serving in that war... But she's driving a Korean made POS, dumped here, anyway.
I'm trying to figure out if either;
A) Driver doesn't know that KIA is a Korean made vehicle, or
B) Her dad served in the Korean war but he served on the other side AGAINST US!