What "makes" a 66 Barracuda a Formula S ??

When you got the Commando/Charger 273, it came with the dual point and all the dress-up stuff, including a chrome air cleaner, chrome PCV holder, and chrome crankcase breather. No chrome wire holders though. They were just individual plastic holders that clipped into the aluminum finned separators on the valve covers. In '67, it is a one piece wire holder on each valve cover that holds 2 wires each.
Oddly enough, my 273 4bbl actually came off the line with the "Charger 273" decal on the air cleaner.... it was made at Hamtramck (Dodge Main), so either a sorting mess up on the line, or a low stock on the Commando 273 ones on date B10 (November 19, 1965) I always wondered if there was a Dart somewhere with "my" Commando 273" air cleaner... :-)