440 power gains/ aluminum head advantages?

In general, when talking about cam installed positions, I try not to reference it in terms of “advance” or “retard”, because often times not everyone is not on the same page wrt what “straight up” is.
For me, straight up is split overlap, which I view as the c/l for both intake and exhaust being the same.
So, they will be the same as the lsa.
As in, a cam with a 108lsa would have the intake and exhaust c/l of 108.
However, if the cam card showed an intake c/l of 104, some people would call 104 as straight up.
I would call it advanced 4*.
So, to avoid any confusion I prefer to call out the numerical position of where the cam is.
With the example above, I’d say, “it’s a 108lsa, installed at 104”, with no reference to being advanced or not.
this is what i've always thought of it to be. although i haven't built a ton of engines this is just what my mind clicked with. i got it all together with the new ignition box and coil this afternoon and got coolant in it and took it for a drive. i'm not sure if it's faster or if i just haven't driven it in a while but it sure does run good. and hitting the rev limiter at 6k put a smile on my face ha. but when i pulled it in the yard there was a bad oil leak i noticed from the timing cover. specifically from the dowel pin in the cover on the ds. the bolts were tight so all i could do was take it back apart... and found i didn't line the dowel pin up with the hole when i put the cover on and it bent the cover out some around the pin and caused it to leak like crazy above like 4k rpm. i fixed the cover and i'll put it back together more carefully tomorrow. driving it again after a month or so made me remember how much cooler mopars are than your average chev ha