110 volt outlet 160 degrees. Is that safe?

Could be worse.
My Son had water running out of his outlet, onto the kitchen counter and then the floor of his apartment.
Took the building owner two weeks to get around to fixing it.
Water cooled outlet no thanks! That's awful

Check the back of the device to see what it's rated at; toaster ovens are notoriously power-hungry.

It's 1800 watts. Great info AJ!

Might be as simple as a loose connection on the back of the outlet. Might not. LOL Kitty's air fryer gets the plug "a little" warm, but only enough to notice. .....and it's a BIG ****.
The wire itself is around 120 but the plug is 160, making me suspect the outlet like you and bodyperson said. This hoobajoob heats the hell out of the wall even spaced away