Nicks Garage 383 build

In the 3rd video they pulled the heads and deemed the valves were sunk.
So they found some 346’s that weren’t suffering from that issue, reconned them, and milled them .035”.

Between the valves not sunk as far and the extra milling with the 346’s, he found the V/P clearance less than to his liking.

That’s when all the new piston talk started.
In the end, he did the logical thing and flycut the existing pistons.

All in all, I feel like he put forth a good effort trying to eek out some extra power.
20tq/15hp for that last push.

The only way the numbers were going to show a big change, was to make a big change to the combo, and it was clear that wasn’t in the cards.

I still would have liked to see what the headers would do.
The 346 is a good casting. Some argue they are better than the 906, but I don't know.