Carlisle parts N135-136

Right now, it's hotter than hell in Pa. good luck!
Yeah I dislike it... thank god for internet parts shopping/shipping...Carlisle got bad around the time they started stealing peoples cars out of the hotel parking lots in the middle of the night...I forget what year that was...
Jeez, thanks for the encouragement Debby Friggin' Downer!

I mean come on, it's ALWAYS hot during Carlisle - it's mid-July in land-locked Central PA - what do you expect? I hate to say that's 'part of the charm' but it kind of is. Everyone is in the same boat in that regard. Just have to prepare for it both mentally and physically and it's usually no big deal. It's no different than it is here in CT right now anyway. I've been on the baseball field with my kid the last two days and I swear I've lost a few pounds in sweat. If I can deal with the heat here I can deal with it there too.

And yeah, of course it sucks when stuff gets stolen but it does not seem to be much of a deterrent either way. In fact, it seems like every year they're constantly crowing over the PA about record-breaking attendance for both cars and people, thieves be damned.

If you're a car thief, Carlisle would probably seem like shooting fish in a barrel so it makes sense that it happens. Can't live your life in fear of these things though so you do what you can to protect your junk and soldier on.