73 Duster build named Fred

I like keeping old school, old school. I love the new stuff in new stuff like my stock 9 second Super Stock that I recently sold. I’d be happy with a clean 11 second a body. All steel, all glass, full interior and naturally aspirated without any power adders.

I might have to build it from scratch as I would hate to undo everything I’ve done on Fred.

Damnit, maybe I should have kept Barney! lol

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Easy Bill keep fread the way he is. Incase latter on you have the itch to go fast and build you a first gen dakota. They are every wear and are pretty cheap. Lol you might even find some one giving one away.lol he'll come to mo and I will give you my parts 95 dakota sport. Will just need a hood and a drivers door. Lol I took them off to put on my 96. Now this is just me. Bit if I was going to have to sweat my *** off, I woukd rather it be behind the wheel of my race car than sitting at a car show. Lol