Tin Grill Paint Removal

Bottom line is the metal underneath is aluminum.

Assuming you are not trying to maintain the OEM Argent paint and Bright Anodizing you can be aggressive. If you want to try to preserve the OEM finishes go very slow.
Thanks for the replies all! I had thought of paint thinner and the paint remover but hadn’t heard of oven cleaner for that purpose.

I knew it was aluminum under the paint but I was unsure about the original paint. So I guess what I’d say is I’m not trying to preserve the OEM finish but rather strip and replicate as close as possible. My plan was to tape off what stays aluminum and paint the black parts. So was this argent that was mentioned on the bottom part of the grille originally? (Circled here)

So I guess I can be aggressive if taking ALL the paint off, but I certainly don’t want to risk hurting the aluminum underneath so sounds like oven cleaner is out. So I may start with the paint thinner and then go to the paint remover if that doesn’t work.
