3.58 stroke x 340 main (rods/pistons?)

I built a stroker 340 with a 4" scat cast crank.
I used the light kb416 .040.
hypereutectic pistons and the summit (scat) rods.
I paid $400 for balancing and $350 for the heavy metal.
If I was to do it again, or advise, I would have bought a balanced kit with the forged crankshaft

I never tell anyone who isn’t living in a cardboard box to buy steel cranks.

Of course all the cheap bastards jump in a day that guys are burning fuel on cast cranks.

I had a guy try and tell me Pro Stockers using cast cranks and everyone in the top half of the field was doing it.

So I spent some time to verify the claim and he was as full of **** as a Christmas goose.

Cast cranks for over a 3.58 stroke stock build is just silly.

But the cheap bastards in full gang force rally to the scotch guy asking the question and convince him that cast is the best deal for him.

Back in 2000 I did a stroker for a guy. I don’t know about forums back then. At virtually every point I was getting kickback from the guy. It started with me getting a steel crank for it.

The forum gurus fought the HR roller used, the compression ratio, how much power it would make. Oh yeah, the internet hates the headers, intake and ignition.

The upshot is I knew it would make 500 hp falling off a log. The gurus said no it won’t.

We get to the dyno and it did 540 something power and I’m so tired right now I can’t remember the TQ. The owner took video on the dyno.

And it did that at 5k rpm.

I sent the dyno sheets to the cam grinder because they wanted to see the numbers. He called me back right after the fax showed up and BEGGED the owner to change cams.

He said if we moved the power curve up to 6k it would make another 20-30 hp. If we moved it to solid lifters it would be in the 570ish range. If we went to 7k it would go over 600 pretty easily.

The owner wouldn’t budge so it was what it was.

The upshot is there is no way on earth I was using a cast crank for 500 hp. Ever.

That’s insanity but some guys will step over a donut to grab a turd every time.