Coolant leaking into 318 cylinder 8

Like I said, I agree with a new block. Your block wasn’t a good block to start with.

To that end, if that shop can’t set a sleeve without moving other bores around find a new shop.

A sleeve is so simple that to make a big deal out of it it’s nuts.

Stop coupon clipping and find a real shop with with actual machinist.

They are the best shop in the region. This block is already bored thin. Any shop who would not at least verify adjacent cylinders after doing a sleeve, I would not take anything to. And the other work is the proper way to do it. Any shop that does not redeck after sleeving, I would also not trust.

If I were cheap, I would sleeve the block. That is the cheap solution.

I did not get to choose my block when I ordered this remanned engine. They did. I already found a 1967 block that was pulled running, and have it torn down to rework. It is the right way to go.