Petronix Electronic Ignition Any Good?

Petronix nice and simple but 2 Gotchas
apart from never needing to set points again its much the same as a points ignition when you talk about the spark

1) the system uses a Hall effect trigger. this is a special ceramic switch made from 3 pieces of semiconductor, bonded together. The switch is on when no magnet near and OFF when magnet is close. the collar in the dizzy has 8 magnets in it. The current to the coil runs through the semiconductor sandwich. If the car stalls and you leave the ignition on for long enough the semiconductor can burn out leaving you stuck. Also you need to pay special attention to the primary resistance of the coil and get the right ballast to effectively limit the current flowing when in normal use.

2) if you are rough with the collar that fits the centre shaft of the distributor armature it will come apart. 2 piece plastic holder which is pressed and glued together. If it does come apart you have 6 or 8 small magnets that all need to be re fitted into it the right way around. trouble is the right way around means you need to work out which is north and which is south and get them all to sit back in the right place in the ring while you put it back together, and they really do not want to.... this job is the devils work. Do not be tempted to take it apart. if it comes apart its going to be fun putting it all back. all magnets need to be the correct orientation and you don't know which is the correct orientation.

a step up from points that works effectively
