In-tank fuel pumps

What a stupid f#@king idea! What MORON came up with this? Obviously, not somebody who will ever have to replace one!
I've already given/thrown away a nice little car when the fuel pump failed for the third time.
Now it appears that my stolen/ruined/recovered Z28 needs another pump. So I looked up what's involved .
1. Put on lift. (got no lift)
2. Take off rear wheel
3. Disassemble rear suspension.
4. siphon 10 gals of gas out into container.
5. Etc.
So I called a friend who runs a shop. Goodguy quote, for me.... $1500, to fix a $2500 car.
So, now what? I can't do it, don't wanna pay for it, throw away ANOTHER good car for a dead f#@king fuel pump? Damn.
I'd like to get my hands on the f-ing imbecile who thought putting a pump INSIDE the tank was a good idea........