How And Why Move Emulsion Jets?

@RustyRatRod FWIW, I haven’t made any changes to emulsion stacks on my carbs. I have asked questions here and on other forums concerning changes in my setup without much helpful information. Here is a rabbit hole if you want to go there. Emulsion Characteristics of Holley Carbs - Don Terrill’s Speed-Talk

I was told early on to move my IFR’s to the bottom because that is a more stable position to meter fuel from.

I have Vizard’s book “How to Super Tune and Modify Holley Carburetors”. Although it is full of good info, IMO it is far from a “How to” book. Closer to maybe a “What to” or possibly a “Why to”. Vizard is obviously a very intelligent person but I find him somewhat hard to follow, especially in his videos.

Hopefully your post here will bring more light on the subject. And with any luck it will be written in layman’s terms for all to understand and appreciate! LOL

Just my $.02
Layman's terms was exactly what I was hoping for. Thanks.