Boarder Line Low Oil Pressure

With the low oil pressure that the OP said that the engine has at idle I would've already torn into it. Back when I didn't have a lot of money to work with and I had to just put a engine together I've never had the low oil pressure that the op said that he's dealing with. It has a definite problem

Why Dan? Why do all that work if nothing is wrong with it.

I’m telling you and you refuse to grasp what I’m saying so I’ll try one more time.

Loose clearances and full groove mains are NOT bad or wrong. You just have to run a higher grade oil. That’s not a sin, crime or anything else.

What’s ******* crazy is you say you’d have seen the oil pressure and tear into it. I say for what?

You want to change bearings that aren’t bad? You going to tighten up all the clearances? If so you’ll need to resize the rods and line home the block.

So you’d do that BEFORE you spent 150 bucks on oil and a filter?? That’s stupid Dan. That’s why people quit this hobby.

Jumping to conclusions and then spending stupid money on stupid **** just turns people off.

Again, if the OP changes his oil and the pressure is good would you still say it’s junk and he needs to rebuild it?

Remember Dan, some engine builders build them loose to RUN 20w50 oil. That doesn’t make the engine junk.

That’s like saying that since I have to use a 0w20 oil my engine is junk. It may be junk but that’s not why it’s junk.