How to build your own Solid-State Instrument Voltage Regulator (IVR) for yourself (or build them...

If you have not read comments #4 and #5 above, please do and you will understand why I am doing this...

I have updated the instructions that I provide with the IVRs that I build to now include an alternative installation method. You can choose which method works for you, but the new alternative that skips opening up and modifying the rallye fuel gauge, which while probably the preferable method, does come with some risk of damage to the original gauge if you are not super careful.

If you would like a color PDF copy of these updated instructions, please PM me your email address.

I am tagging anyone who has recently purchased from me in case any of you have not yet begun your installations
@Lance Lot Link
@64 AAR Valiant
@Demonx2 (I already emailed yours, but didn't want you to feel left out, lol)
@Mopar Momzee
@jim whelan
@Mr GT
@66 Val

Please pass this along if you know someone who this may apply to, or someone you know is considering this upgrade.

Thanks and Happy Friday!
