I'm back!!!

We finally got power and internet back yesterday after the storm. Luckily we didn't sustain any damage to our house, but the heat and humidity for four days was brutal. We never lost cell phone service, but our city emergency management was piss poor at best. They had no idea about where to get food, ice, or water, nor did they know if the city had any plans for aid from Red Cross, Salvation Army or any other disaster aid organizations. My wife finally found information on Fake Book and we got water and ice. Once we were able to get out of the neighbor hood we drove 20 miles south to sit in an hour plus line for over priced fast food hamburgers. Of course the food that was bought Sunday in the fridge went to the trash can. Don't get me wrong, because for the last 10-20 years I've done storm restoration work and I've see disaster aid in action and I've seen it run a "TON" smoother than this Chinese fire drill.
Glad to hear you guys came out ok. Kim