Another boring mpg story…

Where do you get that information from?

I hauled fuel back in 2011 here and even delivered to the Hess, now Pilot in Carthage.

Running 15-20% ethanol will give you problems in a carb engine.

Do they secretly add it at the station? No. Does the driver when loading the tanker do it? No.

It's either blended from nozzles in the stream of sub octane gas going into the tanker at the loading rack or the E100 goes in first then the sub octane fuel goes in. It's all metered and the driver has no control of the formulation.

Before I hauled fuel locally the drivers for Mapco loaded E100 into their tankers manually then went to the main rack at Cumberland fuels in Nashville and got their sub. They had to calculate how much to put in there.

Last trip to Florida I stopped in Monteagle and Pilot didn't have E10. It's all E15. I really didn't need gas and didn't want to pay their high price for 90 octane non ethanol.

Hi Trucker ,

I saw that on an expose many years ago ,,,,,maybe early 2000s .
No,,,,,it was being blended at the original source,,,,at least according to the news at that time .
I can’t remember who the reporter was ,,,(,maybe John Stossel ?),,,,but I remember the show .
And,,,,it might could be an honest mistake,,,,,,switching valves at the refinery by mistake maybe ?
I’m sure when they blend a 100,000 gallons of something it would be possible ?
But,,,I remember the report was stating that the gasoline was a certain value of the gallon .
Then the ethanol was only about a fraction of the cost of a gallon .
If you add more ethanol,,,,,you make more gallons,,,,but you still sell it for the higher price of gasoline .

At that time there many people having problems with their cars running and damaging the fuel systems and engines .

You’re right,,,,the Hess stop sold to a Pilot now .
There are a lot of vehicles in that place every day,,,,,whenever I go over there to eat at the Wendy’s next door,,,,it amazes me how many weirdo’s walk through there .
It’s scary really,,,,I’m amazed at how you drivers make the trips as safe as you do .

Stay safe on the road !
