Pushrod Problems

I removed the intake an pulled the lifters out, they look to be hydraulic. 6 of the 8 push rods are stamped with RP3219R-100 and a 7.565 inch overall length. The other two look like they were made by a junior high kid in shop class (exhaust on #1 & #7 cylinders) and are both slightly bent. The new ones that are bent/ smashed are the #2 intake and #4 exhaust. There is also a significant amount of scoring on both the rocker arm shafts. Lifters and camshaft look to be fine, compression test was good.
Pushrod length checker is due to arrive on Monday. Once I have that and can confirm length I am planning to order new rocker arm assemblies and pushrods.
Let me know if I should be looking to change out anything else? Is it worth the money to switch to a roller rocker assembly?

Thanks for any feedback




