Hello from Aurora, IL! Bought a Duster with an ignition issue

If it is popping fuses routinely, then start unhooking things until the fuse stops blowing. The melted ignition module is a good place to start. I also would try the coil and the voltage regulator.

Are any of the fuses in the fuse box blowing?

Are there other electrical modifications to the car?
Hey Mike, thanks for chiming in..

Great idea on unhooking things to try to narrow it down. I’ll give that a shot for sure.

No fuses in the box are blowing.. I did notice that none of the terminals are labeled, they’re only numbered, and only terminals 3 and 4 have power, I believe.. Not sure if that’s supposed to be that way or..?

No other modifications to the car that I know of, but I’m sure there’s a good chance I’ll find some tomfoolery in the wiring as I dig into it. The ignition disconnect (I think it’s called) broke at some point, and someone put spade connections on yellow, blue, black, and brown wires where they would’ve plugged into each other underneath steering column.