NGK spark plugs breaking.

I’m sure it did.

I’ve always wondered about distribution patterns across the country.

It seems almost like some regions started getting Chinese or Mexican made plugs sooner than the rest of us.

It seems strange the discrepancies we see. And it’s not just plugs.
A little birdie tole Me that instead of pitching QC 2nd's & 3rd's in the dumpster & writing them off, Chumpion was given to packaging them & selling them dirt-cheap to discount stores, like Kmart, G.C.Murphy, etc., & I just might happen to know 1st hand a fresh tune-up on an AAR sporting a MP PS 292° that barely ran or idled & after exhausting a few other wild guesses...... ran like a pup after re-installing the old plugs at My suggestion. This would've been around '92-'93ish...