How to build your own Solid-State Instrument Voltage Regulator (IVR) for yourself (or build them...

I got mine installed last week on the '63 Valiant. This gauge was pretty easy to work on, I just Dremmeled off the back of one rivet then rotated the gauge plate out of the way, deactivated the ivr, swung the plate back in place and put a drop of super glue on the back were the rivet hole was.
My cluster is too small to find a suitable spot to mount the new ivr so I let it drop down to the bottom of the dash where I am going to fasten it to the lower dash rail for some heat dissipation, the little guy does get rather warm.
I put the ground on one of the PCB fastener screws with a ring terminal. For the input and output I simply used a piece of a scotch brite pad to gently expose a little of the proper traces and then soldered the wires right to the traces.

63 Valiant fuel gauge.jpg