Okay now that I've got some time to go over the manual, talk with a buddy of mine who does tuning, and research some more.
Game plan is to attempt to poll the cam sensor. If I can't get cam sync the engine automatically goes into batch injector and wasted spark operation. Not ideal... Looking at the manual and my data log it appears I can poll on tooth 10 "rising" after the missing tooth crank wheel signal. (this is getting complicated but it forces me to learn this stuff). According to the manual that might make the ECU happy.
ALSO! I'm an idiot and never knew that an alternator needed to be "turned on" to charge. Just always assumed if they were spinning they were charging. I've always said you don't know what you don't know. It's likely that with the hybrid of wiring I've got in this car that the 12V switched source that is part of the holley 4 wire connector isn't activating appropriately (never did check it, just wired it according to the painless wiring manual). But a quick search in the Megasquirt manual shows that I can control the alternator switching on with either a PWM output or a High Output signal from the ECU. Will get this done on monday and I think it'll help solve some issues.
If I can get my Cam sync solved and my alternator charging and keeping the O2 controller happy I should then be able to actually dig into this idle. I really think it's just loading fuel like crazy below 1000 RPM's and causing it to bog down and die. Exhaust was rich enough it wasn't pleasant on the eyes in the shop...