Internal voltage regulator

Is it worth the cost and time? My Duster has the Direct Connection blue voltage regulator, which I understand is only for racing applications. I could replace it, but nowadays I'm not sure which unit is reliable. I considered doing the internal voltage regulator conversion, but I see that it's apparently only for the square back version. I currently have the round back version.
So... do I need to pick up a square back version, or would an external regulator be a better option? If that's the case, which voltage regulator is a reliable unit?
What makes you think you need to change anything? Have you measured the charging voltage? I think the "race only" thing is mostly hype. A regulator is made to regulate voltage, PERIOD. The voltage "needed" by a lead acid battery does not change just because it is in a race car. Make certain the VR is properly grounded and that the supply voltage is actually "same as battery" and I bet it works fine

Other than eliminating one or two wires, I see no advantage to a "one wire." Also, a larger alternator is harder on stock wiring, and the known problems with the ammeter circuit. You MUST use a must larger charge wire with an internal / one wire, unless it has a dedicated sense wire.