Automatic Idle Adjustment One Person HOW?

I never use reverse and there's a good reason. Even pulled up as hard as you can, it will never hold as well as it will in drive. The reason for this is because the the front brake shoe on the rear brakes is shorter than the rear. That's by design. Drum brakes are designed to hold pulling forward, not backward. Some vehicles almost won't hold at all in reverse.

So my advice is, pull the parking brake up hard. Get wheel chocks on both the front and rear of the rear tires. Kick um under there real tight. Drop it in DRIVE, because that's the direction drum brakes are designed to stop. One last thing. Take notice of exactly where the coil wire is. In case something gets out of hand, be prepared to snatch the coil wire the whole time you have it running and in gear. in fact, I normally have one hand ON the coil wire while I make my adjustments with the other.