How much would you pay for a product made in the US vs China

So here is the question...

If a product is made using the same equipment in China vs. in the US how much more are you willing to pay?

I priced out manufacturing a part and it would be 9X more expensive to have it made in the US vs in China. The equipment is the same, the shipping is the same, scientifically verified both parts are the same quality.

Would you be willing to pay $225.00 to have a part made in the US vs $25.00 made in China.

What you have to realize is the Chinese will steal your product and undercut you. As a design engineer, that is just so wrong. Why would you give up your foresight, engineering, and design to make a quick buck and have your ideas, and product stolen away from you in short order? You would be so much better off trying Taiwan. We used to have our aluminum castings and machining done there.