Stop in for a cup of coffee

If all is perfect you may get a 20° drop but it may take all weekend. I had mine checked and the charge adjusted by a tech 2 years ago and it has been working well. (knock on wood) Ours was estimated at 40+ years old. It is sizes correctly if it runs constantly when the ambient get's close to 100°. Removing the humidity is the important part. Our's is most comfortable at 77° with around 45% humidity. Make sure the compressor coils are clean. A clean filter inside as well. I was able to get into the evaporator and clean about a lott that got past the filter. (our filter system sucks)
Yeah, i just ordered a infared thermometer ($16) so i can see whats actually coming out, not just my feelings :) Will be here later today.. everything it clean, i think a bit more charge could help but don't wanna break ****, cause getting the humidity out is better than nothing :) it's been nasty here..

Thunderstorms this morning again that just ended, and going to 86 and high humidity