LCA bushing fear

That’s what I did. It was cheap and took about 30 minutes. Whether or not they will squeak is a dice roll unless you use the polygraphite bushings or whatever.

I wanted to mention the grease able pins, but had to go back and check if they were already mentioned.

I’m saying never EVER do this advice I’m about to give.

If you follow my advice you need your head examined.

If you listen to me you are taking your life in your own hands and the lives of anyone around.

Again, I’m saying to you DO NOT DO THIS.

So this is what I do.

I get a tire chock out and block the rear tires so the car can’t go backwards.

Put in the emergency brake as hard as you can. Then you can jump out and do your tuning.

It’s how I’ve done it since high school. I know it’s unsafe like a **** but when you are single handed you do what you have to do.

I always use reverse because if something goes sideways the car will go backwards and not run you over, hence the wheel chocks on the back tires.

If it does get loose it won’t run you over and kill you but it might get loose and back up and injure or kill someone else.

Or crash your car into something or another car.

This procedure is NOT SAFE. I suggest you do not do it.

If you are stuck working by yourself it may be your only option.

And again, I say DO NOT DO IT. ITS NOT SAFE.

If you chose to do it I accept no responsibility for any property damage, injuries or deaths because I said do NOT do it.

Funny. :D