Found my dads original 1971 duster!

No, not give up. Just another stumbling block. If a new rad is needed, get one ordered up. There are several companies out there that make repop or very close repops of the original rads. OER ($$) makes a close-looking one. Then there is always Glen-Ray ($$$) of course if absolute original is what you want. Or several others that make a decent product - Cold Case here would have one very capable to cool the engine.
Thanks guys. I appreciate not only the help, but the encouragement. I milled down a 2ā€ spacer to around 1ā€. It fits now. But fan is too big for shroud, as mentioned before. Iā€™m going to try it and see what temp difference is. I also put a new rad cap on. Here is a pic of measuring from front of water pump pulley to fins on rad. 2.5ā€

Last 2 pics are the rad fan I got today and my original clutch fan



